Thursday, December 21, 2006

Thanksgiving, 2006

Everyone is in the picture, except Mary. Substituting for Mary, her 9 week-old son Kyle. Thanks for taking the shot, Mary

Detroit vs. Oakland - 2006

At 80 and 79, could they look much better? We are all blessed to be around to see another Tiger pennant.

It's baseball, hotdogs and a Tiger win.

Pop is a real Tigers fan from way back. As Jim Leyland accepts the ACLS trophy, we show off my dad's 1935 World Series tickets and other Tiger personal mementos. He saw Tommy Bridges win the second game of the World Series against the Cardinals with his dad at age 9. Alas, another Tiger World Championship was not to be.

Chris and her mom, sister and dad before the girls went to a baby shower this summer.

Jason wanted some pictures taken this summer for his web site, which is definitely improving. He's at and currently looking to use Dreamweaver to rewrite it.

